High up in the palace tower the Roman sentries watched them and laughed.
The Metessan Crane hasn't flown from the palace towers in five hundred years.
She gestures at the screen, which now shows the city as it appears from the palace tower.
Indeed thunder was beginning to rumble in the west, and lightning flashes silhouetted the palace towers.
In the district where the palace towers gleamed, a thread of smoke flared up.
The palace tower is all that remains of the Terrassa castle-palace.
Presently he saw her and Bezzanna on the top of the palace tower, but he had no impulse to go up there.
Sithel's long white hair lifted off his neck as a chill wind passed over the palace tower.
The palace tower was built at the top of a hill.
As they dueled, Suryalekha leapt from the palace tower to her death.