In the correct position (below), after 27 . . . Qd7, Fritz has maneuvered Polgar into a cramped defense with few palatable choices.
His only serious rival for the position of premier was Charles Wilson Cross, who opposed conscription and was therefore not a palatable choice for much of the Liberal establishment.
The Most Palatable Choice As outsiders go, Mr. Nicholas may be the most palatable choice to head the new company.
Mr. Díez, however, would not be a palatable choice for most Bolivians, political analysts say, nor would the third in line to the presidency, Mario Cossío, the president of the lower house of Congress.
More palatable choices are readily available: 1 percent milk with 3 grams of fat, a truly low-fat product, and 2 percent milk with 5 grams of fat, often referred to as low-fat, although it really isn't.
Analysts suggested that Northrop Grumman had few palatable choices.
In the meantime, Mr. Karzai conferred the governorship on a more palatable choice, Taj Muhammad Wardak.
Despite the best efforts of the Republican establishment to make this a palatable choice, many conservative activists are gagging on it, and why wouldn't they be?
There are few palatable choices left to him.
In a way, the revival of interest in nuclear power illustrates the lack of palatable choices to combat global warming.