A good six paces wide, the street was, although it was the narrowest of the four that surrounded the nearly palatial structure.
Behind it stands the Stalin Museum, a palatial structure completed after Stalin's death in 1953 and the only public museum honoring him.
However, a problem arose since the palatial structure cut into the Hyksos enclosure wall.
In the Roman period, there was a huge palatial structure at Castor.
Most of the buildings were centuries old, and except for a handful of truly palatial structures in the downtown area, they looked their age.
The rooms are a clever mix of antique palatial structure and luxurious modern furnishings.
A palatial quadrangular structure built in a stone, attracts every one.
These ridges are often well decorated, especially for religious or palatial structures.
They finally headed for a giant, palatial structure built into the side of the cavern and dominating it and the city skyline.
He indicated wide steps leading into the nearest of the palatial white structures.