A pale yellow fluid was pouring from the knife wounds in its side.
He had lost one ear completely, and one eye was a pit of blood from which a pale fluid leaked.
Just below the shoulder blade a little green blister bulged out, leaking pale fluid.
In a moment this crew has found a table and they have the small glasses of pale yellow fluid in front of them.
He dipped the needle into the brown bottle, and drew up some of the pale yellow fluid into it.
A little pale pink fluid was running down his arm.
It leaked pale fluid as he took in a deep breath and steadied himself.
Q I don't have a cold, or any other symptoms, but my nose is continually "dripping" a very pale red fluid (not blood).
The owners of the voices lie there quietly in their pale fluid.
"My pleasure," Jan said, taking a plastic beaker of the pale fluid.