At the turn of the century, the evolutionary evaluation of the races gained depth, both from paleontological evidence and cultural presumption.
Some of these were substantiated with paleontological evidence.
The exhibition closes with aspects relating to cosmogony, paleontological evidence (testimonies regarding the origin and evolution of man).
It is also from this period that the paleontological evidence is most prevalent.
The paleontological evidence consists of changes in the geographical distribution of fossils.
Although there is no paleontological evidence that it was associated with humans, other theories for its extinction have been proposed.
It is also the site of the discovery of the earliest paleontological evidence of humans in North America.
There just isn't any paleontological evidence.
I have for the past 18 years watched the geological and paleontological evidence that might aid in solving the problem of Precambrian life.
"What is sorely needed," Dr. Wood wrote, "is more paleontological evidence from the interval between 2 and 3 million years ago."