Filled with new resolve, he raised his arms to the paling sky.
A dead elm, taken long ago by lightning, stood to the west, its leafless branches black against the paling sky.
The ship was anchored half a mile or so away, its masts black against the paling sky.
Brunt sat staring thoughtfully out at the paling sky ahead; he laughed shortly.
Dawn was breaking once more and the stars were dimming in the paling sky.
Sol glanced up but could see only the paling sky.
Peter looked up at the paling sky, trying to think of some way to rescue his love from her nemesis.
For a moment Morgaine was startled almost to protest; then, with a glance at the paling sky in the east, she went.
Zogat was silent for a long while, then he looked up at the paling sky.
The light of the descending ship was visible in the paling sky.