A pallid sun appeared like a nosy neighbour spying from behind lace curtains.
Night gathered even more rapidly than usual, the storm clouds bunching with other more innocuous ones, bullying the planet's pallid sun into seclusion.
A pallid sun dodged from behind the sombre clouds building up from the tors above Yelverton.
The pallid sun drooped near the scarred horizon, and Acorna said, "Let's settle in for the night here.
They hunted in falcon-shape; slept and woke glaring at the pallid sun out of dear, wild eyes.
Behind the freezie Ryan could see a pallid sun breaking through and bouncing off the immaculate spread of snow.
One of the red and pallid suns was just setting into the cloud of dust on the horizon.
The pallid sun sank down behind the trees.
He let the pallid sun caress his torso and began to sing.
The wind still blew, but gently, over a cleansed world shining under a pallid sun.