The palms sway, the seagulls squawk and a few girls in veils hang back, watching the action.
The usual wind whiffled through the trees, making the shaggy palms sway, fronds rustling like rats running through an ivy patch.
Outside their window, the sea sparkled and the palms swayed, so evocative of home.
The sun is shining, the palms are swaying, and a tropical breezes wafts the buzz and murmur of the crowd.
Dolphins cavort in a man-made lagoon, palms sway above a broad beach and torches light the tropical gardens at night.
The palms swayed in front of the Town Board offices.
The fifty-foot palm shuddered, swayed, and bent for several seconds.
Virtually all the palms swaying by the beaches here are foreigners, Dr. Ragone said.
Or the way the royal palms sway in the faux mistral at the end of the day?
He explained this to Stephen at some length as the palm swayed to and fro.