For no reason he could explain, his palms turned cold and sweaty.
One leg is carefully placed in front of the other while the arms are held straight forward, palms turned upward.
His hands were above the waist with the palms turned toward her so she could see he wasn't carrying anything dangerous.
The woman lifted her arm fractionally, moving from the elbow, palm turned toward the floor.
To my eyes, his palm turned white, blood rushing up where I'd burned him.
They gathered with their palms turned toward the sky while the imam gave the final blessing.
The holy man put out his hand, palm turned vertical, and waved it a few times.
The arms are down at the sides with the palms turned forward and thumbs pointing away from the body.
He grasped the wrists, turned the palms of the hands toward the light.
With palms turned upward, he began a long and complicated chant.