She fanned him with a palm-leaf fan.
"All we need now is a Favorite of the Harem, a few blackamoors with palm-leaf fans, and some pizzicato music."
Air was to be circulated past these trays by the Bathysphere's occupants using palm-leaf fans.
There were piles of cushions, palm-leaf fans in baskets, and other things that gave him the impression that this was a spot used for lounging.
He always had a palm-leaf fan in his hand and smoked an ancient pipe.
He blocked the back alley, a giant African whose empty hands were as broad as palm-leaf fans.
It struck him that to make the picture complete he ought to be shooing flies away from her with a palm-leaf fan.
She held a palm-leaf fan entirely covered with lilies of the valley, and a girdle of the same flowers encircled her waist.
Unto the other was given the order, "Put out this, fire, and bring me two palm-leaf fans and a pitcher of ice-water."
The palm-leaf fans woven into fanciful shapes were another Palace fixture; servants left stacks of them everywhere.