There was a perverse aura about them, an almost palpable air of sheer evil.
A palpable air of tension and expectation hung over the entire field of the trial.
An almost palpable air of tension had filled the room, and all eyes were on Faye.
A neatly trimmed goatee added to his palpable air of distinction.
There was a palpable air of excitement radiating from her.
There's a palpable air of celebration in the room; even Oriol is grinning.
I tell him it's difficult to say, but there is a palpable air of expectation.
Paul Remillard was a slender, striking man with a palpable air of command.
I think that "palpable brown air" gave a lot of character to the story of Scrooge.
Jamie came up with this objection with a palpable air of relief.