The authorities in the Armenian republic today rejected the appeal, he said, raising the already palpable anger in the city.
Last time, there was palpable anger but little action....
Some arts group members said they felt unwanted in the church space, and sensed palpable anger about their presence.
The former senator's increasingly palpable anger was beginning to make her head throb.
Kimmer's palpable anger was tinged with deep primal emotions, not the least of which was a healthy fear.
Put with exquisite grace and palpable anger.
Ten years later, there is not the same palpable anger, but neither is there any sense of progress.
But there was still a palpable anger even among black-community leaders here who have championed nonviolent tactics.
For many parishioners, there was a palpable anger toward Cardinal Egan and the archdiocese.
In fact, there is palpable anger beyond the odd protest.