Chris Firriolo, the new company's artistic director, has staged Mr. Cupo's play with palpable energy.
Tennys felt an almost palpable energy radiating from the man through his hands, a relaxing, healing potential flowing into him in calming waves.
"Walking into a well-designed restaurant adds a palpable energy to dining out," Mr. Beinfield said.
He radiated almost palpable energy.
The illustrations are suitably wild - painted with brilliant color and almost palpable energy.
A distinctly palpable psychic energy is part of the impact in Connie Fox's huge paintings, the boldest in the exhibition.
There wasn't palpable energy on the field.
Business in the West End is thriving, and there is a palpable energy in the air.
The kinetic force of these murals lent a palpable energy to the work.
There was an almost palpable energy in David's touch.