Books from pre-Tabernacle days described what it was like to range the digital world-a realm of countless dimensions, capabilities, and correlations, where any simulation might take on palpable reality.
"It was how the palpable reality of such artifacts so vastly expanded the territory of the now readily conceivable," he writes.
But between their vision of forging "a law unto ourselves" and its achievement lay the palpable reality of a child.
His paintings transmit images of the palpable reality of a world where pain, suffering, brutality, and destruction are everywhere.
In the entire world of the great white silence the only solid, enduring, palpable reality was the tiny sledge train crawling with infinite patience across its vastness.
And its title, "Nomad," infuses a late 90's buzzword with a palpable reality that is witty and generous.
Against her palpable reality, her unmistakable Shirin-ness, India was a mere nightmare.
After all, fairy tales were fairy tales, while Corporal Wu was palpable reality.
The now of palpable reality.
As a result, a story that sounds like a tabloid headline ("Upstate Prof Indicted in Wife's Battering Death") slowly takes on a weight and palpable reality.