Q. How far have you gotten in your quest to find a way to make pancreatic cells that will produce insulin for patients?
Still other scientists are trying to find ways to grow pancreatic cells in culture.
Among other potential uses of xenotransplants are these: *Insulin-producing pancreatic cells from pigs for diabetics.
In the mid-1990's, he won attention for transplanting pancreatic cells into two diabetic patients.
Researchers say the grafting of pancreatic cells may eventually free many from daily injections.
It is caused by a progressive loss of the pancreatic cells that make digestive enzymes.
Upon consumption of a meal, blood sugar normally rises, which triggers pancreatic cells to produce insulin.
Japanese researchers have reversed diabetes of a female patient with transplantation of pancreatic cells from her mother.
They found that proteins were produced in pancreatic cells in both larval and adult fish.
Other pancreatic cells produce hormones including insulin, which helps the body to regulate the amount of sugar in the blood.