A pancreas transplant may be recommended for people with pancreatic disease, especially if they have type 1 diabetes and poor kidney function.
In medicine, enzymes are used to treat conditions caused by enzyme deficiencies, such as digestive problems related to pancreatic disease.
In cases of localized pancreatic disease, the surgery to remove the cancer is often the first treatment.
Gene-environment interactions with organochlorine compounds in the etiopathogenesis of pancreatic diseases.
In a study of 2,832 patients without pancreatic disease, 73 patients (2.6%) had cysts in the pancreas.
A control group included five patients with no evidence of pancreatic disease.
This condition may also be present in situations of pancreatic disease, such as in chronic alcoholism or cystic fibrosis.
Pancreatic fistulas can be caused by pancreatic disease, trauma, or surgery.
He specialized in gastrointestinal and pancreatic diseases.
Six healthy volunteers,(three men and three women), aged 27-38 years (mean 33.2) not known to have any pancreatic or other gastrointestinal diseases were studied.