It is awarded by a panel of journalists, with the vote taking place in December.
The crowd liked it, but was again disappointed as the judging panel awarded just 55 points.
Last fall, a panel awarded $500,000 to another plaintiff.
Marks are awarded by a panel of nine judges.
The panel awarded that to two Brooklyn men it found to have been callously abused by police.
An international arbitral panel ultimately awarded most of the territory to Britain.
Scores are awarded by a panel of four judges and a head judge for each of the disciplines.
The panel awarded the Huffs what they had lost - approximately $225,000 - plus lawyers' fees of $74,000.
He established a panel to investigate human rights violations since the mid-1980's and another to look into Government contracts awarded since 1976.
An international selection committee voted for their favourites and the top five performers were awarded prizes by a panel of judges.