I was originally scheduled to be the token blogger on a panel called "Persona in Media."
The panel called for focusing efforts in five major areas: drug development, vaccine development, clinical trials, immunology and basic research.
To help guard against exploitation, the panel called for requiring informed consent from each individual before that person is enrolled in a vaccine trial.
The panel called for reorganization and reform to fix "a disjointed and inefficient system."
The panel called Mapes' action a "clear conflict of interest that created the appearance of political bias."
A panel called "Forced Entries," is to examine literary efforts to deal with violence against women.
The panels, called institutional review boards, are usually composed of people and researchers inside and outside the university.
The series was preceded by a similar panel called Nature's Way, also by Larson.
Those panels, called institutional review boards, have been ordered to review again more than 2,000 research projects before the work can resume.
Solar energy heats up large panels called thermal collectors.