Persian tiles from the 13th through 19th centuries line the walls near a large mosaic-tile panel commissioned from a dealer in Esfahan, Iran, in the late 1930's.
The plan is the first of six by panels commissioned by Mr. Fernandez to study changes needed in the city's much-criticized school system.
The report, written by a five-member panel commissioned by the Security Council, says the networks include foreign and Congolese officials and military officers and some rebel leaders.
Investigations conducted by the panel commissioned by the king revealed that security forces "used excessive force" while "many detainees were tortured," Mr Bassiouni said.
A panel commissioned by the United Nations released a report in October detailing the illicit monies paid by companies from France, Russia and other countries, as well as Australia.
Ms. Saville recently completed and installed three panels commissioned for the employee dining room of the Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation in Raritan.
On 4 May 2011, an independent panel commissioned by the British Columbia government released a report on the impact of the HST in that province.
Two large panels, commissioned by the Museum of the Ukrainian Orthodox Consistory, Bound Brook, NJ (2002).
In 2008 she was nominated by a panel commissioned by The Guardian newspaper as one of 50 people who could reverse the effects of climate change.
In fact, a panel of polygraph experts, commissioned by the House Assassinations Committee, found that Ruby's test "was not validly conducted," and, thus, impossible to interpret.