The combined work will, in turn, be reviewed by a panel drawn together by the National Research Council.
This year, he charged a high-profile panel drawn from business, nonprofit and philanthropic circles with devising solutions to fighting poverty that did not cost additional money.
The case would have been decided by a three-judge panel drawn from countries not involved in the suit.
Some of the snapshots have been rephotographed and enlarged; others serve as inspiration for panels drawn with colored pencils in a photo-realist style.
A separate 12-member panel, drawn from the same sources as the managers/umpires panel but with a greater concentration of executives, simultaneously voted on executives.
Five four-judge panels, drawn largely from the wine industry, journalism and academia, tasted 497 wines.
Entries are judged by panels drawn from 250 specialists from around the world.
Mayor Rudolph Giuliani has appointed a panel drawn from his own official family to look at what went wrong.
Here Wehrle devised and painted his first exterior mural EB-1942, a 16x 48 oil painting on panels drawn from his Montana experiences.
Based in Cambridge the Bureau called on a panel drawn from dozens of professions with expertise to deal with readers' queries.