The following panels illustrate the progression of the scoring on the score sheet.
It begins with a series of lighted panels illustrating the manuscript.
The last panel illustrates John the Baptist, holding his emblem of the lamb.
The more than 50 panels created using muticolored mirror pieces illustrate:
On the central panel hunting and fishing scenes are depicted while another panel illustrates the most important cities of the region.
The outer panels illustrate, on one a vine on a trellis and the other a corner of a garden.
The festival will also allow visitors to enter an enormous computer outfitted with panels illustrating the Web site, which offers homework help.
The middle had six panels illustrating various vessels, with two examples each of the hydria, oenochoe and crater.
At the Sanghiji temple at Sanganer, there is a panel illustrating each verse.
Large sculptural panels between the wall columns on the upper floor illustrate a wide range of themes, which include the ten avatars of Vishnu.