John Palmer, former NBC television newscaster, will serve as panel moderator for the fourth consecutive year.
When the speech was over, the panel moderator said, "Watch out, David Keene," referring to the chairman of the American Conservative Union.
This discussion is written up by a panel moderator, mostly a representative of the country's media or an NGO.
An HVS executive serves as the conference coordinator, and others associated with the company serve as panel moderators and speakers.
The panel moderator opined, "if you prefer good taste to gimmicks, you might want to stay away from this technicolor treat."
He was the panel moderator at the Game Developers' Conference 2007, on the topic of Burning Man.
Stephen B. Mischo, the panel moderator and since Monday the incoming chapter president, had to prod repeatedly to provoke questions.
Bill Pidto serves as panel moderator and host when Trautwig is on assignment or unavailable.
The overwhelmed panel moderator, an overpolite Japanese woman who was looking miserable, spoke over the rising voices, and suggested that they close the session.