Large metropolitan areas typically only do such surveys once every decade, though some cities are conducting panel surveys, which track the same people year after year.
Total volume grew 13.5 percent A panel survey collects data repeatedly from the same sample.
It is the largest panel survey in the world, supporting social and economic research.
"These numbers don't match up with our panel survey of builders," he said, "which has showed activity tailing since early in the year."
These single-year consolidated datafiles can be thought of as the first half of one two-year panel survey stacked on top of the second half of another two-year panel survey.
A recent survey of the House of Lords showing the opposition of the house to reform was a panel survey of this type.
As a panel survey it is a form of longitudinal study.
Some regions, notably metropolitan Seattle, Washington conduct a panel survey, which interviews the same people year after year, to see how their particular behavior evolves over time.
This publication presents data on passenger journeys on buses in Great Britain during Q3 (July to September) 2011, estimated using a panel survey of the largest bus operators.
In fact, our panel survey shows that public perceptions of media bias mirror expert opinion remarkably closely.