Meanwhile Vivian moved forward past me, pulled back her red-gold hair, and put her pink ear to the paneled wood.
Much of the interior is in paneled dark wood, with wainscoting in some rooms.
Some wall areas are covered with beaded or paneled wood, while others are plastered.
The entrance hall of paneled wood and stained glass at Harvard's Sanders Theater serves notice that nothing here is to be taken lightly.
The dining room was paneled wood from floor to ceiling, similar detailing is used throughout the dwelling.
Large rooms lined with beautiful paneled wood opened from it.
Many of its doors are paneled wood with limestone lintels.
On Sept. 3 the landmarks board approved a substantially revised design of paneled wood and glass for the new storefront.
Both the ark platform and bimah are made of paneled wood with square posts.
There was a short burst of automatic gunfire as the paneled wood splintered, fragments flying across the room.