Something about the long and wide proportions of a panoramic scene seems to seduce the eyes of the beholder.
This was due to the large amount of full-motion video and panoramic scenes.
The two men began talking, reminiscing and catching up, but Ayla was distracted again by the panoramic scene.
Entering again this panoramic scene, with the river in the background, Niall was struck by another inaccuracy.
Viewers sat in the center of cylindrical rooms, surrounded by a large painted canvas showing a landscape, a battle or another panoramic scene.
Environment maps can be used to render 3D object and virtual panoramic scene.
It is a peaceful, panoramic scene, conjuring up the vastness of nature.
In the next 7 minutes the second picture of the 300 panoramic scene (displayed below) was taken.
Instead of a panoramic scene, Eddie had a moving opti-print on his viewscreen.
Ms. Perry's panoramic scenes of Victorian life have a vibrant texture.