He just went on sitting in the mint, panting loudly, hoping that a banshee wouldn't suddenly appear before him.
The man in white continues to hack the left side of the body, panting loudly like someone chopping wood.
It was panting loudly, its enormous tongue hanging out of its mouth.
Timmy sat up by George, his pink tongue hanging out, panting loudly.
With great effort, panting loudly, hoarse cries escaping his open lips, he pulled himself up into a sitting position.
We were both breathing hard, panting loudly as we reached the cottage.
The dog's tongue tumbled out, and he began to pant loudly.
Eventually he got away from the dogs, + hid under a car, panting loudly.
Panting loudly, I made my way to the counselors' table and came up behind Larry.
I was panting loudly as I reached the wall.