Panting slightly, he gazed at her, a fiery expression on his face.
Her cheeks were rosy with the cold, and she was panting slightly.
She paused for a moment then went on, panting slightly.
On a recent autumn morning of bright red and gold, he walked up the hill - panting slightly, in fact - to give a tour.
"Why, mistress," he said, panting slightly, 'never think that this is the end of the story.
Sonny was panting slightly, and the pupils of his eyes were very large.
When it was over be found himself panting slightly and said, "Adequate," as though he were experienced at this.
He followed her inside, panting slightly, and over her shoulder she said, "Close the door."
Heimat stopped at the fork in the walk, panting slightly.
She was panting slightly, her hand still holding the crystal high.