Yellow light staggered up the stairs and fell dead on the pantry floor.
The pantry floor looks solid, and it's the closest to the ground.
Like he knew the guy, or something, and didn't expect to find him dead on a pantry floor.
Besides, she held the second half of the combination safe under the pantry floor.
Dad squatted on the pantry floor and Nathan stood behind him, handing him the groceries.
Pour the milk on the pantry floor!
In my excitement I've forgotten that Tommo knows nothing of the safe full of stolen treasure, which Ikey and Hannah had left buried under the pantry floor of their Whitechapel house.
He n-fight have gotten away with it, too, if he hadn't left a footprint right in the middle of the pile of flour on the pantry floor.
Einstein was able to dispense letters from the tubes by stepping on the pedals, then could use his nose to form the tiles into words on the pantry floor.
Grabbing canned tomatoes and a bag of apples from the pantry floor, Kady carried them back to the kitchen.