She gives specific tips about buying seafood and also offers a list of key pantry items that are often used in the preparation.
Each week this series will present recipes around a particular type of produce or a pantry item.
Hana's Hasegawa General Store, also on the Hana Highway, (808) 248-8231, sells some grocery items, and the Hana Ranch Store on Mill Street, (808) 248-8261, carries a selection of pantry items, but has no sandwich counter.
Produce, seasonal and locally grown when possible, and a well-stocked pantry are the linchpins of a good diet, and accordingly, each week s recipes will revolve around a particular type of produce or a pantry item.
Hardtack is a common pantry item in Hawaii, and The Diamond Bakery "Saloon Pilot" cracker is available in all grocery and sundry stores.
If you examine the global pantry item by item, you may be surprised to learn that diets all over the world contain pretty much the same foods.
She proudly held a quick tour: the modern kitchen, a tastefully furnished living-dining room, a full bathroom, a bedroom and an extra storage closet big enough for pantry items, luggage and boxes full of memories.
I also stop by Bread and Circus in western Massachusetts to stock up on pantry items while visiting my parents, and my local market in Irvington is perfect for picking up bread and milk.
It also does a nice range of bread and little pies that are perfect for picnic provisions, and keeps a range of evocatively packaged pantry items.
In Spanish art, a bodegón is a still life painting depicting pantry items, such as victuals, game, and drink, often arranged on a simple stone slab, and also a painting with one or more figures, but significant still life elements, typically set in a kitchen or tavern.