In editorials, the paper advocated the use of violence and intimidation to control black voters.
The paper also advocated increased charges for the health service and suggested further savings, like charging patients to visit the doctor.
The paper advocated creating smaller cheaper robots in greater numbers to increase production time and decrease the difficulty of launching robots into space.
This paper provided an argument against prevailing wisdom and advocated the idea that fossils were the remains of actual once-living organisms.
Sharp's paper advocated the growth of Canadian economic, political and cultural 'distinctiveness', but did not encourage alienation from America.
The paper began as a weekly in 1907, and advocated direct action and the general strike.
The paper advocated business interests and strongly opposed socialism.
The working paper advocated the need for a visible structure for the curriculum.
The paper did not advocate abandoning the covert interrogation program, but restricting it to the shorter-term questioning of more important suspects, officials said.
The paper advocated an increase in the level of the Home Carer's Allowance.