The paper also alleged that Prosser was recently seen dining with Julian Grill, Burke's business partner.
The papers alleged that Neff had become pregnant, giving birth to a child that shortly died afterwards.
The paper alleged that three of Di's secret visits were to former car dealer James Gilbey.
The papers allege that some mystery woman has accused 119 members of the House of sexual harassment.
Forgive my ignorance, but does this paper allege that a "Fire Sale" is possible...?
Legal papers filed by the prosecution alleged a lack of even-handedness in rulings and in dealings with prosecutors and their witnesses, among other things.
The paper also alleged that homosexuals aimed to "recruit" Ugandan children.
The paper alleged a senior royal had also written to it, demanding the story did not appear.
The case was filed in 2006 when the paper alleged the Klan inserted its fliers into Times newspapers, which then went to customers.
The paper alleged that McMahan inflenced the deletion of his Wikipedia page.