End burdensome paperwork requirements - like the new 1099 process required by the job-destroying health care takeover.
Notice can also add a paperwork requirement that ranges from minimal to substantial.
There are no forms for you to complete or paperwork requirements.
Company officials acknowledged the fines but said they were imposed largely for violations of paperwork requirements involved in the water discharge process.
The paperwork requirements under the law are minimal, and the effect on local economic development is beneficial.
Each state has different standards and paperwork requirements for getting a hunting license.
Typically, these include language differences, new payment methods and increased paperwork requirements.
November 26, 1980 - Removed a paperwork requirement for general assembly elections.
They would increase paperwork requirements, inhibit medical research and harm, not help, consumers.
Many employers, especially smaller ones, said they would drop benefit plans rather than hire the help needed to meet the paperwork requirements.