A parachute landing may severely damage the plane, which can cost $200,000 or more.
The 'C1' group radio had also been damaged during the parachute landing.
Capt. Stef suffered back injuries because of a hard parachute landing.
This plan included two parachute landings behind the artillery batteries on either side of the main landing beaches.
The parachustists must maneuver themselves in order not to drop onto their gear during parachute landing falls.
At recreational drop zones, an area is generally set side for parachute landings.
This operation will coincide with the parachute landings 'up country'.
After a successful parachute landing fall, the oversmock was discarded.
There is generally a landing area designated for parachute landings.
Don't worry about the limited scope thus far, this is a nine month project, so it's more like a pregnancy than a parachute landing.