This added a small solid-fuel rocket to the parachute lines.
The feather-monkey wasn't going to be comfortable, but he'd be safe, and Blade would have both hands free to control his parachute lines.
Tragically, Joe Logan didn't make it; he became tangled in his parachute lines and drowned.
He grabbed the harness and pulled the parachute lines to keep himself from sailing into the water.
The official explanation was that the main parachute lines tangled and the parachute failed to deploy.
Then, the parachute lines tangled and the landing rockets failed, resulting in a hard landing which broke Volynov's teeth.
Tugging desperately at parachute lines to avoid the tracers, many men landed on the edges of the zones in dense forests.
The parachute lines are pulled loose from the rubber bands and extend as the canopy starts to open.
This is when the parachute lines and bag are released before the bag drogue and bridle.
A solid fuel braking rocket was also added to the parachute lines to provide for a softer landing at touchdown.