You get a little bit more speed, and the parachute system has made it wildly popular.
Further development was halted, however, due to lack of funding, so the parachute system was not tested.
The project provided data for the development of high-performance, high-altitude parachute systems.
The capsule was swaying, very slowly, suspended from the big parachute system.
A Magnum 501 rocket powered parachute system is under development for the aircraft.
The wreckage did not yield an explanation for the failure, but the parachute system was suspected.
This new parachute system is intended to provide a recovery capability for much larger aircraft, including very light jets.
Together with the parachute system, this almost doubled his weight.
The parachute system did not deploy because of the nature of the abort.
Three different rockets are attempted by three of the scientists, while the remaining two work on a parachute system.