Her symbiogenetic theory of cell evolution, which explains this transformation, may be the closest thing we have to a paradigmatic shift in our time.
Using this technique, Stevens' benchmark design, the McLaren F1 road car, marked a paradigmatic shift in high performance automotive design.
This paradigmatic shift spawned an age of prolificacy in Kannada literature and came to be dubbed the Navodaya (lit.
Structural pluralism has been discussed in law journals as a paradigmatic shift regarding the privatization of government entities (Roberts, 2001).
In the carefully worded postscript, Behr provides further attention to modern theology's paradigmatic shift away from the exegetical methods from which early Christian doctrine was originally elaborated.
The DSRP "mindset" is the paradigmatic shift toward thinking about underlying structure of ideas rather than only the content of speech acts, curriculum, or information of any kind.
As you state, only a "paradigmatic" shift will allow that.
At the time of its publication, Prufrock was considered shocking and offensive; heralding a paradigmatic cultural shift from the late 19th century Romantic verse and Georgian lyrics to Modernism.
These technologically driven human behavioral patterns are beginning to facilitate a paradigmatic shift from the mechanical to the biological from a standpoint of adaptation.
The performative turn is a paradigmatic shift in the humanities and social sciences that has affected such disciplines as anthropology, archaeology, linguistics, ethnography, history and the relatively young discipline of performance studies.