Instead, papers are distributed in hard copy and speakers call out paragraph numbers to call attention to their most salient points.
Note that the paragraph numbers are those originally expressed in the individual statements despite the omission of some paragraphs.
Direct references to the paragraph numbers are sometimes given, and the questions are all based on questions from the full text.
I have added paragraph numbers for subsequent refer- ence.
Below are the current definitions - paragraph numbers are from 1996/31.
It would be helpful to key your comments to the specific paragraph numbers, give your rationale for any proposed changes, and suggest revised language.
What are the paragraph numbers of the clauses that would damage Britain?
The paragraph numbers here begin a new series, since they cannot be usefully related to those of QS.
His evidence is as follows, retaining for convenience the original paragraph numbers:
Convention states that the pilcrow sign followed by a number indicates the paragraph number from the top of the page.