Connecticut and Rhode Island reassigned the Route 101 designation to a much shorter but parallel alignment between the two states.
Importantly they have a parallel alignment and a rather uniform spacing of 15-20 km.
Foliation - parallel alignment of textural and structural features of a rock.
The overall resistance is relatively low for parallel alignment and relatively high for antiparallel alignment.
Further standing timbers were placed at the northeast entrance, and a parallel alignment of posts ran inwards from the southern entrance.
Parallam is made from clipped veneer strands laid in parallel alignment and bonded with adhesive.
After the interchange, Route 4 bends to the northeast, beginning a parallel alignment with Route 2 that continues to its northern terminus.
The anisotropic attraction stabilizes parallel alignment of neighboring molecules, and the theory then considers a mean-field average of the interaction.
The tips of the feet are brought into parallel alignment, and the distance between the feet is roughly the width of the shoulders.
From here north to Rochester, I-390 and NY 15 follow closely parallel alignments.