Others reject this, however, since possessive forms do not generally behave in a parallel fashion to what are normally identified as cases.
The definition for holonomy of connections on principal bundles proceeds in parallel fashion.
This arrangement restrains the motion of the ribs allowing them to work in a parallel fashion during breathing.
The layers are arranged in a parallel fashion, relative to the dorsal fin to the fish's belly.
The probes can be sent in a serial or parallel fashion.
It can also, in parallel fashion, represent the dose of a drug or toxin necessary to kill 50% of a cellular population.
The 68030 chip, on the other hand, has two internal pipelines that work in tandem, or in parallel fashion.
The processor can interpret several elements of the picture at once; in other words it acts in parallel fashion.
All doubled verbs are conjugated in a parallel fashion.
In reality, when you have countries and societies with different economies, they never evolve in an exactly parallel fashion.