At very high clock speeds, these very small time differences become significant, causing an upper limit on the usable clock speed of the parallel interface.
These connected via the parallel interface allowing applications to be quickly loaded into RAM.
This included scanners, tape drives, hard disks, computer networks connected directly via parallel interface, network adapters and other devices.
The serial interface board was $124 and the parallel interface was $119.
These blocks convert data between serial data and parallel interfaces in each direction.
The main applications for parallel optical interfaces are found in telecommunications and supercomputers, also being introduced to consumer applications.
There are two forms of commercially available products for parallel optic interfaces.
Since 802.1aq does not support parallel interfaces each interface corresponds to an adjacency.
Dataproducts introduced a very different implementation of the parallel interface for their printers.
Many manufacturers of personal computers and laptops consider parallel to be a legacy port and no longer include the parallel interface.