For this particular passage, there are also parallel passages in both Matthew and Luke, but they don't use "neaniskos".
In Christian theology, a parallel passage is a passage in another source which describes the same event.
Comparison of parallel passages both within the Bible and from other sources is a major area of Biblical scholarship.
I am glad I thought of those parallel passages, since it made you translate them.
The book compares parallel passages from the Bible and Upanishads in order to show the unity of all religions.
In the parallel passage, on the other hand (II Macc.
The parallel passages which he selects are on a level with the other parallels between Bacon and Shakespeare.
For additional references, see also the parallel passages from Mark 13:24-27 and Luke 21:20-28.
Similarly, parallel passages are indicated with a P.
In addition to what one would expect of any cross reference system, parallel passages are indicated by two double forward slash marks (//).