This parametric approach is very different from the more mathematical approaches of other synthesizers.
SolidWorks is a Parasolid-based solid modeler, and utilizes a parametric feature-based approach to create models and assemblies.
In practice it is difficult to estimate the correlation signal due to insufficient number of samples, therefore parametric approaches are utilized.
Even with direct modeling capabilities, the parametric approach is still designed to leverage embedded product information.
With a parametric approach, data files include parameters, dimensions, features, and relationships that capture intended behavior.
There are a variety of beamforming algorithms for sensor arrays, such as The delay-and-sum approach, spectral based (non-parametric) approaches and parametric approaches.
Fully parametric approaches to robust modeling and inference, both Bayesian and likelihood approaches, usually deal with heavy tailed distributions such as Student's t-distribution.
The statistical approaches to novelty detection may be classified into parametric and non-parametric approaches.
There are also parametric approaches which are used for the estimation of production frontiers (see Lovell & Schmidt 1988 for an early survey).
There are parametric and non-parametric approaches to empirical Bayes estimation.