He was probably in the middle of some acute paranoid psychotic episode.
Various factors may have contributed to this 'paranoid episode', as we should now label it.
That hardly needs to be said in a country that has gone through the 1920 Red Scare, the McCarthy years and other paranoid episodes.
Throughout the scene it is suggested he may be being tortured mentally or is undergoing a paranoid or psychotic episode.
Narcissistic rage reactions are not limited to personality disorders and may be also seen in psychosis such as catatonic, paranoid and depressive psychotic episodes.
When she was with the resistance, she'd heard of several people in other cells who'd succumbed to paranoid episodes, eventually hurting themselves or others to avoid being caught by "them."
She describes a serious paranoid episode:
Mr. Black was deemed nonviolent but had "a history of paranoid psychotic episodes and required immediate hospitalization," the statement said.
That you're having a paranoid episode triggered by acute neurological trauma?
He was married and divorced five times, consumed amphetamines like candy and lapsed into paranoid schizophrenic episodes.