He knew hackers tended to be fully paid-up members of the paranoid tendency, but that didn't mean they were always wrong.
There are five ways in which the sincere pseudo-scientist's paranoid tendencies are likely to be exhibited.
"When you're dealing with people who have paranoid tendencies, it's really hard to make contact," she said.
Psychiatric investigation has revealed that Commander Conrad has mildly paranoid tendencies.
Indeed, depressive traits are more in evidence than paranoid tendencies.
In this universe, at least, it seemed safer to stay with the paranoid tendencies in order to keep himself functional.
Even so, his depression and paranoid tendencies, not to mention his lack of financial success and official recognition must have made life with him difficult.
I was down as paranoid, suicidal tendencies, non-violent, general health good but traumatised following airline accident.
His own mild paranoid tendency was just sufficient to give him defences against an unfriendly world.
An individual whose self-esteem was severely arrested during childhood, usually with major paranoid tendencies who holds onto an illusion of omnipotence.