He was up and away, heading for the dwarven village, his clawed feet tearing up the dry grass in the parched fields.
She continued the intensification, building up an enormous mass of hot, moist air above the parched fields.
Every year after the dry, hungry winters, old women pray for the spring rains to cleanse the earth and revive parched fields.
Picture after picture of starving children, flooded homes and parched fields.
For days, then weeks, there were long, parched fields and stretches of marshland clogged with the dead.
For two and a half years the fields of kibbutzim lay parched and barren.
As far as she could see lay parched fields and twisted, bare-branched trees.
Nzombe Munyoro and his wife were so happy they just stood in their empty parched fields and let the water soak them.
It was like a rush of water to a parched field, ending two years of tight money.
Looking out over their parched fields, many say this drought is worse than the ones of 1977 and 1986.