This fear grew in January, when parents acquired district records and learned the amount of money allocated to each school.
Even so, if a parent acquires qualifications and skills, that has an impact on the aspirations of their children.
In the early 1930's the family moved to Sissinghurst, a tumbledown Elizabethan castle that his parents had acquired.
She had never lived on it, because her parents acquired it after their own retirement and long after her own marriage.
And what the district cannot pay for from taxes, parents often either contribute or acquire through fund drives, he said.
His parents did acquire a residence in St. Augustine, Florida for the winter season.
They settled three miles (5 km) from the homestead her parents acquired four years earlier.
Commander Tennyson's parent has acquired considerable skill in genetic manipulation.
Wales's first encyclopedia was the World Book, which his parents acquired after dinner one evening in 1969, from a door-to-door salesman.
His parents acquired a classical guitar for his seventh birthday present.