Safety is not an issue, the young racers, their parents and the track manager contend.
But the parents who sued the child welfare agency, the Administration for Children's Services, contend that the city has gone too far.
And parents there contend that their children have as much right to attend the new school as the middle-class children.
Some parents contend, and some school officials admit, that money is a major issue.
The parents contended that though the injuries were sustained before birth, the child continued to suffer them on birth and up to his death.
Despite the seriousness of the allegations, several parents are defending the camp, and contend that the state overreacted.
His parents and lawyers contend now that he has been brainwashed and needs psychiatric care.
He had been a bookworm; not enough in the sun, his parents contended.
Some parents contend that a public school provides a better taste of real life.
These parents contend that New York does not have adequate institutions to care for their children.