The parent label has a connection with that archetypal crossover composer, Philip Glass.
Cleveland International's parent label was Epic Records, where almost everyone hated it.
On the parent label, she also scored a steady succession of hits for the rest of the decade.
Their parent label is Voices of Wonder.
Mottola had assumed the top position at Sony, the parent label of Columbia, and began taking the company through various stages of change.
Liberty discontinued the Dolton label in 1967, transferring its artists to the parent label.
Though the album is distributed under the parent label, the vanity label's branding adorns the records it releases.
After closing its doors (along with its parent label) in 1992, the catalog sat in limbo for several years.
It is also the parent label to Distinct'ive Breaks Records.
It was the group's last release on Federal Records before they switched to its parent label, King.