Those just coming of age seethed with frustration, knowing they might never taste the halcyon existence whose loss their parents lamented.
These songs may include the parents lamenting the loss of their daughter, as well as regretting their economic sacrifice for the wedding.
Her parents sadly lamented her disa in love and then returned to their dusty books and charts, turning their minds away from daughter's dismal life to the intriguing one of a pharaoh.
Across Yonkers yesterday, parents and students lamented the layoffs and other cost-cutting moves that were put in place to close a $20 million gap in the budget of the 26,000-student district.
It may seem ironic to onlookers that the very parents who have been complaining loud and long about the difficulty of sharing their home with impossible teenage children, should be lamenting the fact that they've left, only a few months later.
Mr. Lundgren's parents, Hilding and Beth, also lamented the school's closing and are among the many parents who have written or testified before the Denver school board in support of the school.
Students talked about their interests, while parents lamented the passing of the years.
Tallying Pain of School Cuts A report by City Comptroller Alan G. Hevesi that gives details on the impact of more than $1 billion in cuts to New York City schools documented what teachers, students and parents have been lamenting for months: inflated class sizes, increased guidance counselor caseloads and shortages of basic supplies.
Both documented what teachers, students and parents have been lamenting for months: inflated class sizes, increased guidance counselor caseloads and shortages of supplies as basic as construction paper.
"We wanted help but we didn't know what to ask," one parent lamented, urging that hospitals appoint liaisons between families and physicians.