Channels are themed according to its parent network and/or the broadcasting association.
Depending on the parent network, it may require 3.
This distinguishes such a television station or radio station from an owned-and-operated station (O&O), which is owned by its parent network.
Mr. Rinaldo asked each of the news division presidents whether they considered their departments "potential profit centers" for their parent networks.
We still provide a valuable service to the viewers and to our parent network.
Indeed, many O&Os have served as a stepping stone for television personalities at their parent networks.
They got that from their parent network.
Additionally, she co-anchored the evening news, election coverage and Fox Files, a magazine news show aired on the parent network.
It is individual stations that are licensed by the F.C.C., not the parent network.
Certain games aired on ESPN2 due to scheduling conflicts with the parent network.